Shane A. Stillwell
Stupid Postgres Tricks

Stupid Postgres Tricks

Hold on Cowboy

This blog post is pretty old. Be careful with the information you find in here. The Times They Are A-Changin'

I was curious, how many day’s old am I? I suppose I could solve this in many different programming languages, but thought “PG has really good date management features, let me try that”. So here it is.

Calculate how many days old people are

select * from (VALUES
	(CURRENT_DATE - '1976/12/18'::date, 'Jill'),
	(CURRENT_DATE - '1980/06/29'::date, 'Jack'),
	(CURRENT_DATE - '2004/06/03'::date, 'Humpty'),
	(CURRENT_DATE - '2006/06/26'::date, 'Cole'),
	(CURRENT_DATE - '2007/11/02'::date, 'Hubbard'),
	(CURRENT_DATE - '2010/09/24'::date, 'Mary')
	) as bday(days_old_today, person);