Postgres Find All Cascade Deletes
In a database management system like PostgreSQL, using ON DELETE CASCADE
is useful to keep your data in sync, but can be a footgun if you use it instead of a the safer ON DELETE SET NULL
. So, just to audit you schema, you can use this query to find all the deleting cascades.
n.nspname AS schema_name,
cl.relname AS table_name,
att.attname AS column_name,
referenced_cl.relname AS referenced_table,
referenced_att.attname AS referenced_column
pg_constraint con
JOIN pg_class cl ON cl.oid = con.conrelid
JOIN pg_class referenced_cl ON referenced_cl.oid = con.confrelid
JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = cl.relnamespace
JOIN pg_attribute att ON att.attrelid = con.conrelid
AND att.attnum = ANY (con.conkey)
JOIN pg_attribute referenced_att ON referenced_att.attrelid = con.confrelid
AND referenced_att.attnum = ANY (con.confkey)
con.contype = 'f'
AND con.confdeltype = 'c'; -- 'c' stands for CASCADE
Will return something like this…
schema_name | table_name | column_name | referenced_table | referenced_column |
public | addon_reservation | property_order_id | property_order | id |
public | addon_blackout_date | addon_id | addon | id |
public | addon_rate | season_id | season | id |
public | addon_rate | addon_id | addon | id |
public | age_group | property_id | property | id |
public | amenity | name | amenity_option | id |
public | addon_amenity | amenity_id | amenity | id |
public | addon_amenity | addon_id | addon | id |
public | addon | property_id | property | id |
Don’t lose data