Deploying a Hugo site with GitLab CI

Deploying a Hugo site with GitLab CI

Hold on Cowboy

This blog post is pretty old. Be careful with the information you find in here. It's likely dead, dying, or wildly inaccurate.

As a hip, cutting edge developer, you’re using Hugo to generate your blog or website. WordPress… pssh, you’re way too cool for that.

Being cool has its complications though. How and where should you deploy your Hugo app. Should you push it locally using rsync or some other fancy means? Whatever.

This simple post is going to show you how to deploy your Hugo app using GitLab’s Continuous Integration feature. Something I’ve fallen in love with as I’ve understood how to set up builds and push out my code to production. I’ll be using Cloudfront/S3 to host my Hugo site. You can checkout the following links to get more familiar with how it works.

GitLab Setup steps

  1. First you need to set up an account with GitLab if you have not already.
  2. Then you need to create a project.
  3. Next you’ll need to add GitLab as a remote to your git files (where you currently have your cool Hugo app).
  4. Last bit is to set up some Variables for your app. To deploy to S3 and fire off a Cloudwatch invalidation request, GitLab is going to need your AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. You’ll store these in the GitLab variables (hint on the project page, click the gear dropdown and select Variables). ![Variables](/images/Screen Shot 2017-01-12 at 4.33.21 PM.png)

The GitLab CI file .gitlab-ci.yml

You’ll tell the pipeline how to operate by including a .gitlab-ci.yml file in the root of your project. Ready. This is what it looks like.

  - build
  - deploy

    - docker:dind
  image: docker:latest
  stage: build
    - docker run -v `pwd`:/src northernv/hugo hugo
      - public/

  stage: deploy
  image: garland/aws-cli-docker
    S3_BUCKET_NAME: ""
  - aws configure set preview.cloudfront true
  - aws s3 sync ./public s3://$S3_BUCKET_NAME --delete;
  - aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id $DISTRO_ID  --paths "/*";
  - build

The only items you need to change are the variables in the file for S3_BUCKET_NAME and DISTRO_ID.

This uses a Docker image I build which you can see the guts is described in this Dockerfile

That’s it. Commit, push, and in a few minutes your Hugo app will be published out for the world to bask in your awesomeness.